Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lots of Krapo (FROG in Creole)

Some of you know we have an inherited dog as an "outdoor only" pet from Bud & Jane while they're in the States, but this past week we've had a new pet arrive on the scene. A krapo - which is Creole for frog (or toad). A week ago we came home after dinner with a team to find a rather large toad on our front porch. He (or she) wasn't too bright as it kept trying to jump up the concrete wall to get off the porch. The next night we heard a "thumping" sound on the porch, only to find that Froggie had return. This has now been the nightly routine for over a week. About the same time each evening, Froggie is on the porch, thumping away trying to find the "exit". Our "watch dog" pays Froggie no mind -- she just enjoys the show! I have to say, there are much worse things that could be on the porch than a frog, so I'll just live with the krapo.

Thank you for your prayers. As we shared last Sunday, a laptop was stolen from one of the missionary's homes - the second he's had stolen in the past two months. The compound has 24-hour watchmen, many of which we've met since being here. We appreciate them greatly and so every time I get a hankering to bake something we "share" with the watchmen. Tonight we met two new ones - Jonas and Eve (yes, that's a man!) We were able to "chat" briefly and use our Creole! It was so much fun and they were so excited. All the Haitians on the compound try to help us learn Creole by practicing with us or forcing us to "use Creole" instead of English.  One of our favorite (and most helpful watchmen) is John-o. He's 72, widowed, and weighs about 72-lbs. He teases Bud all the time about being Gro Bud (which is BIG). He loves to chat and help us with our Creole and he loves bon-bons (cookies!). He is diligent in his work, carries a baton for protection, and takes great pride in doing his job. He helps me with the laundry, checks in if he sees a door open or something amiss, and is always ready to greet us with a Bon Jou or Bon Swa at anytime of the day or night. We are so thankful for the blessing these new friends are to us.

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