Saturday, November 20, 2010

Haiti Needs Our Prayers...

As I read the posts from the various missionaries my heart rejoices to hear of a new sister in the Lord as the missionaries minister to those they come in contact with AND my heart hurts for the unrest, cholera deaths, and political unrest in the country. Please pray for Haiti. That through all the unrest and turmoil Christ would be raised up and that those serving there will be encouraged and confirmed in their commitment to serve JESUS in Haiti.

Bud & I will be speaking in another Sunday School class tomorrow. Please pray God will move hearts to partner with us as we continue to share what God has called us to do. I will also be speaking at my Rotary club on Monday. Please pray that my message will be clear and that it will glorify God even in a non-religion setting. There is no way for me to separate my love for Jesus from my call to Haiti...the two go hand-in-hand. The club has always been gracious, responsive, supportive and giving for which I am always so thankful.

Bless you and again, thank you for your support & prayers.

In Him,
Bud & Cindy

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Praise the Lord!

Sunday at Oak Park Church was a tremendous blessing to both Bud & I. We shared our hearts and the people were responsive and showed us great love and encouragement! It was especially exciting to hear the many questions they asked about Haiti and about the potential of them putting together a work team from their church. Bud & I are never more excited than when we hear someone is interested in visiting Haiti. It will change your heart forever!

I have been following the various blogs from the missionaries currently on the Haiti field and would ask for your prayers. There is a lot of discouragement and discontent among the Haitians as the cholera continues to worsen. In addition, the needs continue to grow as some are being flooded from their already make-shift homes and, if that weren't enough, the election of a new president is scheduled for November 28 which is causing a lot of tension throughout the country.

Thankfully, we serve a God who knows the beginning from the end so there in lies our trust.

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.

In Him,
The Lenkers

Monday, November 8, 2010

Our New Beginning...

Hmmm...where do I begin? Bud & I are excited to report that we are continuing on the path the Lord has laid before us and are now fundraising toward the goal of full-time ministry to Haiti as soon as the Lord provides and the pieces fall into place. To date, we've made our deputation presentation (say that five times fast!) to two Sunday School classes and will be speaking at Oak Park Community Church this Sunday (11/14). Between now and the end of the year we will be speaking at various Sunday School classes at Salem Evangelical, then will see where the Lord leads from there. We have been invited to a church in Seattle sometime in January, but no date yet. The Lord continues to provide and answer prayers. We cannot thank you all enough for your support. We feel so overwhelmed and totally blessed. Please continue to pray for Haiti. With the recent storms, there is great concern that the cholera-laiden waters will spill their banks and spread the disease further. They need our prayers!

More to come...

God Bless,
Bud & Cindy