Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Praise the Lord!

Sunday at Oak Park Church was a tremendous blessing to both Bud & I. We shared our hearts and the people were responsive and showed us great love and encouragement! It was especially exciting to hear the many questions they asked about Haiti and about the potential of them putting together a work team from their church. Bud & I are never more excited than when we hear someone is interested in visiting Haiti. It will change your heart forever!

I have been following the various blogs from the missionaries currently on the Haiti field and would ask for your prayers. There is a lot of discouragement and discontent among the Haitians as the cholera continues to worsen. In addition, the needs continue to grow as some are being flooded from their already make-shift homes and, if that weren't enough, the election of a new president is scheduled for November 28 which is causing a lot of tension throughout the country.

Thankfully, we serve a God who knows the beginning from the end so there in lies our trust.

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.

In Him,
The Lenkers

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