Monday, May 30, 2011

The Confirmations Continue Coming...

Spent a great weekend in Sun River a few weeks ago with my quilting buddies. I had coordinated the rental of the Sun River home (if you've been there, you KNOW how many homes are in Sun River to rent!) We had scoured the Internet sites and came up with what we thought was the perfect home for quilting. Arrived, unpacked, enjoyed a wonderful four days of friends, fellowship, food and of course QUILTING! When we returned I emailed the owner to say how much we'd enjoyed our time and thanked them for making their house available. I told her I was certain we'd be looking at their house again for future retreats...but, for WHATEVER REASON, I said I would not be the contact next year as my husband & I are currently fundraising to be missionaries in Haiti and that we anticipate being there as early as this Fall. I honestly questioned myself as I was writing the email to her as to why I was sharing this info. She quickly responded that she & her husband had sponsored missionaries in Haiti in the 1980s & 90s and that they had always regretted not going to visit them. I told her they were more than welcomed to come and visit us anytime. As we emailed back and forth we discovered that the couple they had funded were Dr. Vernon Hall and his wife, Lois. Dr. Hall & Lois served with One Mission Society (then called OMS) on the exact compound where Bud & I will serve. And, while Bud & I have never personally met Dr. Hall, his grandson, Greg, and Greg's family, attended our church for several years. Needless to say, both she & I were quite amazed at how God had orchestraed our meeting. With all the houses we could have selected in Sun River, why theirs? Well, I don't know the full answer now, but GOD DOES, and, I am confident that HE's orchestrated our meeting for some purpose. I'm just excited to be a part of it and to see where God takes it from here!

Again, Bud & I just shook our heads in amazement at God's hand in EVERYTHING about our move to Haiti. We praise Him and thank Him for His continued faithfulness and for the continued confirmations that He provides.

Serving Him Together,
Bud & Cindy