For all of us, as the busyness of life creeps into our lives each day, we need reminders of where our focus needs to be. As I've been reading about Abraham in the Old Testament I realized how often he was moved to build an alter to the Lord as a reminder of God's faithfulness. Just like those altars, Bud & I are planning our "visual reminder" in Haiti through our Prayer Quilt. What a wonderful way use my love of quilting into something useful and practical on the field. The quilt square (shown here) has plenty of white space for us to fill in the names of those partnering with us in Haiti. The quilt will hang in our "new home" where every day we'll be reminded of the hundreds of people praying for us, providing for us, caring for us, partnering with us. And, each week we'll be praying over a different square and the names listed on it praising and thanking God for each of you!
In His Service,
Bud & Cindy
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