Last Sunday, Bud and I had the privilege of walking around the outside of the campus with Doug and Jan Hoffman (visitor from our home church) on a tour of Vaudreuil. Patrick, our good friend that works in the office with me, had been inviting us to his home for a while, but we'd never had a chance to accept the invitation. Sunday was the day! We had a wonderful time sitting on the porch with his family enjoying their gracious hospitality. During our introductions I came to find out that Patrick's family not only have their own six children, but have also taken in two young girls - both of whom have mother's who are very ill. One of the girls, Roselinda, who is about 10 years old has been living with them for four years. After meeting her, I asked Patrick if she was in school and if she was in the Starfish Kids program. He said yes, he thought she was. I told him that on Monday we needed to check to be sure she was in the program and find out if she had a sponsor or not.
Monday morning Patrick and I checked the records, only to find that Roselinda's sponsor was a couple from our home church, who go to our same Sunday School class, and are good friends! Of all the children in the program and all the sponsors from the U.S. and Canada, I was so blessed that I could tell Patrick, "Yes, she has a wonderful and faithful sponsor!"
I was further blessed to be able to write to the sponsor and give them the details and story and let them know that Roselinda is a very good student and that she is living in a very loving and Godly home. I don't often have that much personal information about our students.
I don't know about you, but for me it was a wonderful reminder that God IS in the details of each of our lives. He weaves our lives together that we might be a blessing and encouragement to one another as we serve Him.
Praying God blesses you with a reminder of His faithfulness in your life today!