Thank you for your prayers! We are so blessed to have so many praying friends and family! Randy & Joanie arrived without incident after several days delay in Florida and Randy has been teaching daily at the seminary. Bud & I continue our host/hostess and "other duties as assigned" responsibilities and Joanie has been great to help out. Ike arrived in this area on Saturday night & Sunday morning, but praise the Lord, the Cap Haitien area only sustained heavy rains, some wind, thunder & lightening. Unfortunately, the area of Gonaives, which already suffered devastating flooding from previous hurricanes, was again bombarded with heavy winds and rains. This is the area you are seeing on the news and if you're interested, visit website for additional photos taken as the MFI plane flew over the area in route to Cap shortly after the hurricane hit. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the photos to see an entire map of Haiti so you can understand where the devastated area is in comparison to where we are. Although we are only 60-70 miles away, Cap sits at the bottom of a large mountain range which provides amazing protection. A group of pastors from this area and Dan Shoemaker tried to get to Gonaives yesterday to assess the situation and try to figure out the best way to help. Unfortunately after several hours of travel over treacherous roads and some travel on foot, they were forced to turn back. Travel between Port Au Prince and Cap is at a standstill and no one can get into Gonaives by road from either side. Cap is completely without fuel, but fortunately the compound has plenty for the needs here...for a time. The compound has limited travel and are planning more conservation as fuel and food will be of great concern in the coming weeks and months ahead. Clothing and bags of rice have been purchased to "bless" the churches in "low" areas in Cap to help with their needs. It is a very sad, sad situation. Many of the Haitians who work for OMS and live in this community have family and loved ones they are waiting to hear from in Gonaives and other surrounding areas. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. They love the Lord and are trusting God for EVERYTHING, including the safety of their families.
In other news...we've had a couple of leads on an x-ray machine so are hopeful one or TWO might be acquired for the clinic here. They are in desperate need of one! If you know of anyone in the medical field that might be able to offer a machine, please let us know!
While we'll greatly miss our Haitian brothers & sisters and the missionaries here when we go, we are anxious to return and see everyone!
In Him,
Bud & Cindy