Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Monday (August 18), we have exactly 30 days until we head home, which seems both a long time away and right around the corner! Last Friday we said goodbye to the UK team. A wonderful group of great kids (and one "seasoned guy"), who really demonstrated Christ-like love and character throughout their stay. Bud & I felt right at home "parenting" them and truly fell in love with them all. The day they left, I told Bud I was sure I was "called to Northern Ireland" as the majority of the group lives in and around that area! We also invited them to the states, so hopefully they'll be able to take us up on that offer sometime. Each night their team leader, Tred, scheduled a time of praise & worship and had one team member share their testimony. Bud & I felt priviledged to be a part of that time with them. There were several evenings where tears were shared. Considering none of them knew one another before meeting up to travel here, it was so amazing to see God "meld" them into a wonderful team. Little did they know that when they left Cap Haitien on Friday for an overnight stay in Port Au Prince before departing for the states the next morning, that storm Fay would strand them for two extra nights. At one point, we heard they might return to Cap for another week's stay and while we were sorry for their families, we were pretty excited at the thought of having them around again. Fortunately (or unfortunately for us), they got a flight out Sunday afternoon, so by tomorrow should all be safely home.

Storm Fay gave us a night with a lot of wind and rain, which changed our Saturday plans to take the Alabama Prayer Team to the Citadel for the day, making it a day of "hanging out". That's when Bud had the chance to make Haitian banana chips...which are truly WONDERFUL! I'm hoping he'll be able to recreate them when we get home! Ask anyone whose been here...they are so very, very good!

Sunday dawned bright and sunny again (as did today). Our trip to church ended up being in the back of the truck for 1-1/2 hours (one way)! It was a long day in the dust and sun, but the church was very nice and the worship was good. I will say that all of us "North Americans" verbalized that we would NEVER complain about a "commute" to church again! Trust was a long, long, long trip and day!

I've been asked about "bugs, spiders and creatures", so here's a photo of our good Haitian friend, Wadner, with a tarantula he "hunted down" for us. In all honesty, without searching them out, I've never seen one (which is a very good thing)! We have had a few nights of trying to chase down a rat in the house where we're staying. So far the score is Rat - 4, Humans - 0. The trap doesn't seem to be doing the trick and Bud's attempt with the broom wasn't successful (so far), however...there's always tonight!

Thank you one and all for your emails, encouragement and prayers. We are praying for you too and look forward to seeing you all very soon!

In Him,

Bud & Cindy

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Can You Believe It's August?

About the time I think I have time to update the blog, the Internet is down & I can’t, so…I thought I’d write it out ahead of time and then add it as soon as I can! Ah, life in Haiti! So, the team departed this morning. Bud & I both took them to the airport and said our good-byes. We were sad to see them depart, but know when they return they’ll be full of stories and memories that will impact their lives forever. That’s just “what Haiti does” to people who visit. You can’t leave here and not think about or realize how truly blessed we are materially, however, the Haitians have us beat by a long shot when it comes to learning to live content in all circumstances. While some we have come to know very well share their burdens of concern for their country or for personal concerns regarding an ill child or lack of a job to provide for their family, they are still a joy-filled people who regularly comment that, “God is good”!

Yesterday a team of eight young people (all in their 20s) arrived from the U.K. (Ireland, London and Wales). Two of them lost luggage – not AFTER getting on the plane (and funny enough NOT in Haiti), but had suitcases fall off the airport transport van in Miami! I have been truly amazed that the two who ended up with nothing have been very calm about it and that the others – none of whom knew each other before they “met up” for their travel here – have shared whatever they’ve had with those in need. What a great example of Christian love! The fun is, now not only are Bud & I trying to “catch a little Creole” to communicate better with the Haitians, we’re learning a bit of the “Queen’s English”, with a little Irish, Wales and whatever else thrown in! Who’d have thought?!

The weather continues to be pleasant. Warm, humid days, but most nights the breeze comes up and it rains (very hard with a lot of thunder & lightening thrown in), which makes sleeping at night much nicer.

This photo is an example of "driving" in Haiti. The "white" lower part of the photo is the railing of the cattle truck we were riding in to & from the beach...the black is the top of the vehicle that passed us on the road. Literally I was on my tip-toes to lean over and snap this you might guess, it was "one-handed" because the other hand was tightly holding onto the side of the truck!

Thank you all for your continued prayers. We KNOW you are praying for us as we have felt a complete peace about both being here and about our family at home.
Just a little "photo reminder" of why we love being here. LOOK AT THIS SMILE! He sat behind us at church on Sunday and every time we made eye contact he would smile just like this! What a cutie!
We love and miss everyone!
In Him,
Bud & Cindy